When it comes to longevity, think of a hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric car the same way you would a conventional gasoline or diesel car. Therefore, the fuel cell of a Toyota Mirai is designed to last the life of the car, with the same quality, durability and reliability as any other Toyota. What is striking is that the exact same terms of discussion could have been used a century ago. You must replace fuel cells and hydrogen with the combustion engine and oil.
In 1917, the battery was already 4 or more times more efficient than the combustion engine. Even so, gasoline and combustion engines completely prevail, essentially because they were more practical (fast refueling, greater autonomy and, in the long run, it was easier to create an oil refueling infrastructure). Answer: Simply wrong, FC systems are known for their reliability and robustness. Some low-carbon energy sources, such as wind energy and biofuel power plants, can be an eyesore; however, hydrogen fuel cells don't have the same space requirements, meaning there's also less visual pollution.
Leasing has been a popular choice among consumers for electric cars with fuel cells and batteries because the technology is new and early adopters don't want to be tied to a current model for a long time as technology advances and efficiency improves. The charging time of hydrogen fuel cell power units is extremely fast, similar to that of conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, and significantly faster compared to battery-powered electric vehicles. This will not only reduce the need to transport fuels, but it will also improve the lives of those living in remote regions by providing a non-polluting fuel obtained from a readily available natural resource. This article criticizing fuel cell cars is mainly based on two arguments (the lower energy efficiency of the FCEV and, according to the National Fire Protection Association, alternative fuel vehicles, a category that includes both hydrogen fuel cells and battery-powered electric ones, are no more dangerous than traditional internal combustion engines).
In addition, most electric vehicle charging takes place at home overnight, which is not the case with hydrogen fuel cells. In fact, it's quite ridiculous how difficult it is to fill a car that runs on HFC ◾ You won't even go 100 miles with the hydrogen tanks of current technology that are still safe to transport in a car ◾ Fuel cells wear out very quickly and are difficult to regenerate. The co-founder and CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, has dismissed hydrogen fuel cells as surprisingly stupid, and that's not the only negative thing he's said about the technology. Hydrogen fuel cells provide an intrinsically clean source of energy, without any adverse environmental impact during operation, since the by-products are simply heat and water.
While renewable sources of hydrogen, such as agricultural and waste sites, are increasing, most of the hydrogen obtained as fuel comes from traditional natural gas extraction. I'm not against fuel cell technology and I also support it, but electric cars that use batteries to store energy are a much better technology right now and probably for the next 30 years or more. Unlike the most common battery-powered electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles don't need to be plugged in, and all current models exceed 300 miles of range with a full tank. .