Reviewed by Shannon Martin, licensed insurance agent. Some cars are expensive to buy, while others are expensive to own. With minor adjustments, retail hydrogen prices can be deducted from CNG prices by adjusting them to account for higher hydrogen pressures, an 80% methane-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency, and compressing 408 cubic feet (feet) of hydrogen gas versus 100 ft3 of methane. Ford has experimented with fuel cell variants of its Focus and Fusion cars, as well as with the Edge crossover, but doesn't offer any of those vehicles for sale.
As with any new technology, fuel cell costs should decrease if the market grows and achieves economies of scale in manufacturing and infrastructure. Hogard recognizes the shortage of hydrogen in California and says that Toyota is monitoring the situation, but does not manufacture or distribute the fuel. Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) combine hydrogen stored in a tank with oxygen in the air to produce electricity, with water vapor as a by-product. The site, which pulls information from the California Fuel Cell Association every 60 seconds, gets about 2000 hits a day when hydrogen is scarce.
While renewable sources of hydrogen, such as agricultural and waste sites, are increasing, most of the hydrogen obtained as fuel comes from traditional natural gas extraction. Although fuel cell vehicles themselves only emit water vapor through their exhaust pipes, the Union of Concerned Scientists points out that the production of hydrogen can cause pollution. According to the National Fire Protection Association, alternative fuel vehicles, a category that includes both hydrogen fuel cells and battery-powered electric vehicles, are no more dangerous than traditional internal combustion engines. The following figure shows historical retail hydrogen prices based on past and projected CNG cases, in contrast to historical retail hydrogen prices in California and the retail hydrogen prices forecast by the CARB and the DOE.
The co-founder and CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, has dismissed hydrogen fuel cells as stunningly stupid, and that's not the only negative thing he's said about the technology. However, with four cars in front of us waiting for the only hydrogen fuel dispenser at a San Diego station, refueling for five minutes is currently just a dream. Leasing has been a popular choice among consumers for electric cars with fuel cells and batteries because the technology is new and early adopters don't want to be tied to a current model for a long time as technology advances and efficiency improves.
Hydrogen fuel cell
(FCV) vehicles are zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) that comply with California's ZEV mandate and the ban on internal combustion engines.According to hydrogen advocates, the high fuel economy of FCVs helps keep FCV fuel costs competitive with those of gasoline-powered vehicles, and that future cost of hydrogen fuel will be lower due to increased volumes or greater economies of scale. Unlike most common battery-powered electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles don't need to be plugged in, and all current models exceed 300 miles of range with a full tank of fuel.